

While less common than head lice, pubic lice and body lice can both cause irritation and
intense itching. This section shares what to look for and offers tips to get rid of both.


While less common than head lice, pubic lice and body lice can both cause irritation and intense itching. This section shares what to look for and offers tips to get rid of both.

Pubic Lice Symptoms & Identification

Pubic Lice (also known as “Crabs”) are “equal opportunity” pests found in the genital areas of men and women. The most common symptom of pubic lice is extreme itching in the genital area. They can be found by closely examining the genital area under a bright light.
  • Pubic lice are slightly larger than sesame seeds and resemble miniature crabs. They look like brown or grey dots on the skin.
  • Pubic lice lay small white eggs on the hair shaft, generally close to the skin surface.
  • In hairy individuals, crabs may be present on the short hairs of the groin, thighs and trunk, underarms, and occasionally on the beard or mustache.
The number one way to get crabs is from sexual contact, so sexual partners should be treated simultaneously to avoid re-infestation.

Pubic Lice Treatment

The process of getting rid of crabs is similar to the method for treating head lice. It’s
essential to thoroughly treat the infected area, including anal hairs and on the thigh.
Lice will spread to these surrounding areas, so complete treatment is necessary.

  • Apply RID® Lice Killing Shampoo found in the RID Lice Treatment Complete Kit to DRY HAIR only until the area is thoroughly wet, being careful not to allow the product to come in direct contact or penetrate mucus membranes. Use caution to apply it to the skin and hair, but avoid the anus or vaginal openings.
  • After completing the application, allow the product to remain on the hair for 10 minutes but no longer.
  • Add sufficient warm water to form a lather. Rinse thoroughly.
  • A fine-tooth comb or a special lice/nit-removing comb like the patented RID® Lice Comb can be used to help remove lice, eggs, and nits from the hair. You may need to use a mirror to ensure that all hair has been combed.
  • Clean the infested area thoroughly. Disinfect underwear by machine washing in hot water (above 130°F), then using the hottest dryer cycle for at least 20 minutes.
  • Clothing and items that are not washable can be dry cleaned OR sealed in a plastic bag and stored for four weeks.

It’s also a good idea to treat infested sexual partners to reduce the chance of re-infestation.

Body Lice Symptoms & Identification

Body lice and their eggs are generally found in the seams of clothing, particularly in the
waistline and armpit area. They move to the skin to feed and then return to the clothing’s seams where they lay their eggs.

  • Common symptoms of body lice infestation include severe itching and rashes caused by an allergic reaction to louse bites. Red bumps may also appear on the skin.
  • When body lice infestation has been present for a long time, skin around the waist or groin can become thickened or discolored.
  • Body lice are typically larger than other types of lice. They can be tan, grey, or white. Their eggs are oval and generally yellow or white.

Body Lice Treatment

Body lice treatment is similar to head or pubic lice treatment, with some minor but
important differences when it comes to treating clothing.

  • Apply RID® Lice Killing Shampoo found in the RID Lice Treatment Complete Kit to DRY HAIR only until the area is thoroughly wet, being careful not to allow the product to come in direct contact or penetrate mucus membranes. Use caution to apply it to the skin and hair, but avoid the anus or vaginal openings.
  • After completing the application, allow the product to remain on the hair for 10 minutes but no longer.
  • Add sufficient warm water to form a lather. Rinse thoroughly.
  • A fine-tooth comb or a special lice/nit-removing comb like the patented RID Lice Comb can be used to help remove lice, eggs, and nits from the hair. You may need to use a mirror to ensure that all hair has been combed.
  • To get rid of body lice, disinfect clothing by machine washing in hot water (above 130°F), then using the hottest dryer cycle for at least 20 minutes. Dry-clean non-washables.
  • Unlike the option for head or pubic lice, DO NOT seal clothing in plastic bags because nits can remain dormant for up to 30 days.