Home Control Spray

10X more effective at killing lice than Nix® Lice Killing spray*
RID® SUPER MAX Home Control Spray is an advanced lice, bedbug, and dust mite killing spray that is 10X more effective at killing lice than permethrin-based Nix® Lice Killing Spray.* In fact, it’s shown to kill 100% of lice and bedbugs in lab testing.† That’s because it not only kills lice, but it also kills super lice and bedbugs that are resistant to traditional pesticide ingredients like permethrin. Use it on nonwashable surfaces such as furniture, rugs, mattresses, or car interiors. RID® SUPER MAX Home Control Spray is safe to use in homes with pets and will not stain watersafe fabrics.‡ It can also be used while traveling, if you’re concerned about bedbugs or dust mites
- 1Kills 100% of lice, even super lice and eggs (nits)‡
- 2Kills 100% of bedbugs in just 30 seconds‡
- 3Effective against dust mites
- 4Safe for use in homes with pets†
- 5Non-staining to water-safe fabrics and surfaces
RID® SUPER MAX Home Control Spray is over 10X more effective than Nix® Lice Killing Spray*
The dominant species of lice are super lice; these are lice that have become resistant to traditional pesticide ingredients like permethrin, which is the active ingredient in Nix® Lice Killing Spray. RID® SUPER MAX Home Control Spray uses effective, nature-based ingredients that are shown to kill 100% of lice in lab testing, even super lice.
Like super lice, bedbugs have developed resistance to permethrin-based treatments, over time. RID® SUPER MAX Home Control Spray uses effective, nature-based ingredients. In lab testing, it kills 100% of bedbugs in just 30 seconds.
Dust mites occur naturally and can appear in most homes. Dust mites can live in bedding, mattresses, upholstered furniture, carpets or curtains. Some people have a dust mite allergy with symptoms such as sneezing and runny nose. Taking steps to reduce the number of dust mites in the home can help control a dust mite allergy. For people with asthma, dust mites are one of the major indoor triggers. RID® SUPER MAX Home Control Spray kills dust mites and can be used on non-washable surfaces in the household.
Use on non-washable surfaces like mattresses, furniture, rugs, or car interiors. RID® SUPER MAX Home Control Spray can also be used while traveling, if you are worried about bedbugs or dust mites away from home. Additionally, to keep bedbugs from hitching a ride home with you, just spray luggage before checking out, to kill any uninvited travelers. It has a light mint scent and will not stain water-safe surfaces.
Instructions for use (Instrucciones de uso)
RID® Super Max Home Control Spray can be used to kill lice, bedbugs, and dust mites on mattresses, furniture, car interiors, and other non-washable surfaces. It will not stain surfaces or fabrics on which water causes no damage. Test the product on an inconspicuous area, allow to dry, and then check for staining or discoloration. Read the entire product label before each use.
Shake well before use. Hold the container upright with the nozzle away from you. Press down on the valve and spray from a distance of 8-10 inches from the object or area being treated for 2 seconds. Over-application may cause damage. Allow sprayed articles to dry before use. Spray daily as long as treatment is required. For carpet: spray in a sweeping motion to cover the entire area until it becomes damp. Use an overlapping pattern to ensure total coverage. After application, sweep with a brush or broom to ensure deep penetration. Allow the carpet to dry before reentering the room. Use a fan to accelerate drying. Vacuum the entire area once dry. To minimize exposure to dust, individuals with allergies should either have someone else vacuum or wear a dust mask and use a vacuum equipped with a high-efficiency particulate (HEPA) filter, as vacuuming can stir up dust and worsen allergy symptoms. For mattresses: spray the top, bottom, and sides of mattresses until damp, paying particular attention to tufts and seams. Allow mattress to dry before using. Cover with mattress cover and sheet. Do not use mattress without a mattress cover. Do not use spray on sheets or pillowcases. For lice and lice eggs (nits): spray only on non-washable surfaces and furniture that cannot be either laundered or dry cleaned, including bed frames and mattresses. For bedbugs: spray non-washable surfaces and mattresses, particularly around tufts and seams. Take the bed frame apart and spray into all joints. Treat baseboards, moldings, and floor. For house dust mites (Dermatophagoides spp.), treat carpets or mattresses according to the directions specified above.
(En Español)
El spray RID® Super Max Home Control puede usarse para matar piojos, chinches y ácaros del polvo en colchones, muebles, interiores de automóviles y otras superficies no lavables. No manchará superficies ni tejidos en los que el agua no cause daños. Pruebe el producto en un área discreta, déjelo secar y luego verifique si hay manchas o decoloración. Lea toda la etiqueta del producto antes de cada uso.
Agite bien antes de usar. Sostenga el recipiente en posición vertical con la boquilla alejada de usted. Presione la válvula y rocíe desde una distancia de 8 a 10 pulgadas del objeto o el área a tratar durante 2 segundos. La aplicación excesiva puede causar daños. Deje que los artículos rociados se sequen antes de usarlos. Rocíe diariamente mientras se requiera tratamiento. Para alfombras: rocíe con movimientos amplios para cubrir toda el área hasta que se humedezca. Utilice un patrón superpuesto para garantizar una cobertura total. Después de la aplicación, barra con un cepillo o escoba para asegurar una penetración profunda. Deje que la alfombra se seque antes de volver a entrar a la habitación. Utilice un ventilador para acelerar el secado. Aspire toda el área cuando esté seca. Para minimizar la exposición al polvo, las personas con alergias deben pedirle a otra persona que pase la aspiradora o usar una máscara antipolvo y una aspiradora equipada con un filtro de partículas de alta eficiencia (HEPA en inglés), ya que aspirar puede levantar el polvo y empeorar los síntomas de la alergia. Para colchones: rocíe la parte superior, inferior y los lados de los colchones hasta que estén húmedos, poniendo especial atención a los mechones y las costuras. Deje que el colchón se seque antes de usarlo. Cubra con funda de colchón y sábana. No utilice colchones sin funda. No utilice el spray sobre sábanas o fundas de almohada. Para piojos y huevos de piojos (liendres): rocíe solo sobre superficies y muebles no lavables que no se puedan lavar ni limpiar en seco, incluidos los armazones de las camas y los colchones. Para las chinches: rocíe las superficies y los colchones no lavables, specialmente alrededor de los mechones y las costuras. Desarme el armazón de la cama y rocíe en todas las juntas. Trate los zócalos, las molduras y el piso. Para los ácaros del polvo doméstico (Dermatophagoides spp.), trate las alfombras o los colchones según las instrucciones especificadas anteriormente.
See other RID® products
* Data on file versus Nix® permethrin 0.25% Lice Killing Spray.
Nix® Lice Killing Spray is found in the Nix® Ultra Lice Treatment & Home Defense Kit and the Nix® Complete Lice Treatment Kit.
Nix® is a registered trademark of Prestige Consumer Healthcare Inc.
† When used as directed.
‡ Based on lab testing.